Is the language used to builld web pages. By convention, files in HTML format use the extension .htm or .html
We can create a web page by writing in this code in any text editor and saving it with the correct extension, but this is usually only done for educational purposes. In practice, designers use HTML editors, which allow them to design websites simply and intuitively.
The basic characteristics of HTML are:
1. HTML is written with tags inside angle brackets.
2. HTML code always starts with the opening tag <html> and ends with the closing tag </html>.
3.HTML have two main parts:
The header, which is a statement at the top of the document, like a tittle.
The body,, which is the content of the page.
4. Tags are completed by attributes, which are parameters that indicate the properties or behaviour of the tag.
5. All HTML elements are composed of two tags. One opening and one closing.
Element Looks like this in the browser:
<b> bold text </b> bold text
<i> italic text </i> italic text